Our 3rd annual Children's Rights Summit saw in-house counsel, children's rights advocates, law firm lawyers and technology experts work together to find rights-based solutions to bridge the social gap that envelops children and their communities.

Among the issues covered:

Straight Talk
Why do we need America's top innovators to help realize children's rights?

Race and Justice
How do we disrupt the injustice of race and discrimination against children in America? How should we respond to disproportionate minority confinement?

Education and Community Economic Development
How can you learn when you are hungry? Can you sleep when you are scared? Can you participate when you can’t walk down the street?

Foster Care
Are we breaking apart families of color to "help" children? How can we stop?

Homeless Youth
Can we secure the dignity of homeless youth by providing them access to justice?

How do we address the disproportionate representation of LGBTQ youth in the US child homeless population? How are we failing to protect the education of homeless youth despite federal and state laws?

Discrimination and Fairness
Do our 21st century entities responsible for children treat our vulnerable children like we would raise our own?

Immigration and Refugees
How does our children's justice system withstand an immigration crisis?

Justice for Juveniles
Is the juvenile justice system irreparably broken? How could technology help?

Children's Rights as Human Rights
How do we secure the basic dignity of children as right-bearing individuals here and abroad?